N.W.O. WATCH Spying on them for a change

Cloak and Dagger
home land insecurity



aids was man made at fort detrick MD check out this web page

todlers used as guinnea pig

Jeff Rense on man made origine of aids


W. H .O. Murdered Africa

                                          by William Campbell Douglass, M.D.

                                 (September 1987 National Health Federation Monrovia, California)

The object of the World Planners is control - absolute control. Although the desire to rule the world is not a new

ambition, the control sought by this generation of World Planners is more than government, wealth and resources. They

control these already. What the World Planners want in order to complete their plan is control of population.

Their control of population is in their ability to control the thoughts and behaviour of the masses. The method which the

World Planners are using to achieve their aim of absolute control is mind-boggling when one attempts to unravel it. It is

truly a "tangled web of deception".

Before the World Planners can achieve their goal of "absolute control" of the world's population, they must first reduce

the existing numbers to an optimum controllable level. The World Planners estimate that planet earth can only sustain a

2.5-billion population by the year 2000, but "Spaceship Earth", according to the United Nations' figures, already has in

excess of 4.5-billion people. This hypothesis makes it essential for the world planners not only to bring population growth

to a stand still, but it also becomes necessary for a "roll back" in population (the world is to be depopulated); hence zero

population programs.

In the New World Order, man will become a "throw away". You will be allowed to exist until you become "surplus to


"The world has a cancer and the cancer is man", observed one World Planner in the book, Mankind at a Turning Point.

Having set the optimum population number for planet earth, the World Planners have also set a date by which to achieve

their optimum population number. And that date is the year 2000. The organisation formed to implement their plan is

called GLOBAL 2000.

The following article, "WHO Murdered Africa" is evidence of this plan in action.

The world planners are convinced that what they are doing is for he eventual salvation of mankind and the planet earth.

The greatest strength they possess is that the general public does not even know hat they exist.

Trust in the Lord with all shine heart; and lean not unto shine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and

he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5,6 KJV.

                                          W. H. O. MURDERED AFRICA

There is no question mark after the title of this article because the title is not a question. It's a declarative statement.

WHO, the World Health Organisation, murdered Africa with the AIDS virus. That's a provocative statement isn't it?

The answer to this little mystery, Murder on the WHO express, will be quite clear to you by the end of my report. You will

also understand why the other suspects, the homosexuals, the green monkey and the Haitians, were only pawns in this

virocidal attack on the non-Communist world.

If you believe the government propaganda that AIDS is hard to catch then you are going to die even sooner than the rest

of us. The common cold is a virus. Have you ever had a cold? How did you catch it? You don't really know, do you? If the

cold virus were fatal how many people would there be left in the world?

Yellow fever is a virus. You catch it from mosquito bites. Malaria is a parasite also carried by mosquitoes. It is many times

larger than the AIDS virus (like comparing a pinhead to a moose head), yet the mosquito easily carries this large organism

to man.

The tuberculosis germ, also much larger than the AIDS virus, can be transmitted by fomites (inanimate objects such as

towels). The AIDS virus can live as long as ten days on a dry plate. So, are you worried about your salad in a restaurant

that employs homosexuals? You'd better be.

You can't understand this murder mystery and you wouldn't believe my conclusions unless you learn a little virology. I'll

make it as painless as possible.

Many viruses grow in animals and many grow in humans but most of the viruses that affect animals don't affect humans.

There are exceptions, of course, such as yellow fever and small pox.

There are some viruses in animals that cause very lethal cancer in those animals, but do not affect man or other animals.

The bovine leukaemia virus (BLV), for example, is lethal to cows but not humans. There is another virus that occurs in

sheep called sheep visna virus which is also non-reactive in man. These deadly viruses are "retro viruses" meaning that

they can change the genetic composition of cells that they enter.

The World Health Organisation in published articles, called for scientists to work with these deadly agents and attempt to

make a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. In the bulletin of the World Health Organisation WHO), Volume

47, p.259, 1972, they said, "An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune

function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the vims itself may be impaired if the

infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus."

That's AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is "Let's cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system

of man, an acquired immune deficiency."

Why would anyone want to do this? If you destroy the T-cell system of man you destroy man. Is it even remotely possible

that the World Health Organisation would want to develop a virus that would wipe out the human race?

If their new viruses creation worked, the WHO stated, then many terrible and fatal infectious viruses could be made even

more terrible and more malignant. Does this strike you as being a peculiar goal for a health organisation? The thought

occurred to me.

Sometimes I believe in conspiracies and sometimes I don't. It depends on the subject. (Was there a conspiracy to kill

President Kennedy? If you don't think so, then you must be a dumb liberal.) My attitude toward some alleged conspiracies,

the Federal Reserve for instance, depends on what I had for breakfast.

But it doesn't take a bad breakfast to see an amazing concatenation of events involving Russian and Chinese communist

nationals, the World Health Organisation, the National Cancer Institute and the AIDS pandemic.

But what about the green monkey? Some of the best virologists in the world and many of those directly involved in AIDS

research, such as Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier, have said that the green monkey may be the culprit. You know the

story: A green monkey bit a native on the ass and, bam - AIDS all over central Africa.

There is a fatal flaw here. It is very strange. Because Gallo, Montagnier and those other virologists know that the AIDS

virus doesn't occur naturally in monkeys. In fact it doesn't occur naturally in any animal.

AIDS started practically simultaneously in the United States, Haiti, Brazil and Central Africa. (Was the green monkey a jet

pilot?) Examination of the gene structure of the green monkey cells proves that it is not genetically possible to transfer the

AIDS virus from monkeys to man by natural means.

Because of the artificial nature of the AIDS virus it will not easily transfer from man to man until it has become very

concentrated in the body fluids through repeated injections from person to person, such as drug addicts, and through high

multiple partner sexuality such as takes place in Africa, among homosexuals and among native American Indians. After

repeated transfer it can become a "natural" infection for man, which it has.

Dr. Theodore Strecker's research of the literature indicates that the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in collaboration with

the World Health Organisation made the AIDS virus in their laboratories at Fort Detrick (now NCI). They combined the

deadly retroviruses, bovine leukaemia virus and sheep visna virus, and injected them into human tissue cultures. The

result was the AIDS virus, the first human retrovirus known to man and now believed to be 100 percent fatal to those


The momentous plague that we now face was anticipated by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), in 1974 when they

recommended that "Scientists throughout the world join the members of this committee in voluntarily deferring

experiments (linking) animal viruses."

What the NAS is saying in carefully guarded English is: "For God's sake stop this madness!" Man went over the edge

when he started playing God and started growing human tissue in the laboratory.

We've let the green monkey off the hook. How about the communists! In my original monograph on AIDS, before Dr.

Strecker alerted me to the scientific absurdities being put on the American people, I said: "After the holocaust has run its

course, and we've buried 10 or 20 million young people, who will protect us? If we are faced with an invasion from a

Communist Mexico, aided by Communist Nicaragua and Cuba, who will defend the Rio Grande? Wouldn't it be ironic if

the godless Russians and other communist countries, because of their Victorian attitude toward sex and their severe

repression of homosexuality, escaped most of the ravages of the AIDS epidemic and took us over by simply walking across

the Mexican border?"

I wouldn't change a word of that. But it was based on my natural paranoia toward the Communists, having observed the

way they operate for 40 years. Besides, they are saying that AIDS is a "capitalist plot." That really got me suspicious because,

as any student of the communist conspiracy knows they always blame others for what they are in the process of doing.

And what they are in the process of doing is conducting germ warfare from Fort Detrick, Maryland against the free world,

especially in the United States, even using foreign communist agents with the United States Army's germ warfare unit

euphemistically called the Army Infectious Disease Unit.

You don't believe it? Carlton Gajdusek an NIH big-shot at Detrick admits it: "IN THE FACILITY I HAVE A BUILDING




Can you imagine that? A UN-WHO communist Trojan horse in our biological warfare centre with the full blessings of the

Jimmy Carters of this world?

I can assure you that the creation of the AIDS virus by the WHO was not just a diabolical scientific exercise that got out of

hand. It was a cold-blooded successful attempt to create a killer virus which was then used in a successful experiment in

Africa. So successful in fact that most of central Africa may be wiped out, 75,000,000 dead within 3-5 years.

It was not an accident. It was deliberate. In the Federation Proceedings of the United States in 1972, WHO said: "In relation

to the immune response a number of experimental approaches can be visualised". They suggested that a neat way to do

this would be to put their new killer virus (AIDS) into a vaccination program, sit back and observe the results. "This

would be particularly informative in sibships," they said. That is, give the AIDS virus to brothers and sisters and see if they

die, who dies first and of what, just like using rats in a laboratory.

They used small pox vaccine for their vehicle and the geographical sites chosen in 1972 were Uganda and other African

states, Haiti, Brazil and Japan. The present or recent past of AIDS epidemiology coincides with these geographical areas.

Dr. Strecker points out that even if the African green monkey could transmit AIDS to humans, the present known

amount of infection in Africa makes it statistically impossible for a single episode, such as a monkey biting someone on

the butt, to have brought this epidemic to this point. The doubling time of the number of people infected, about every 14

months, when correlated with the first known case and the present known number of cases, prove beyond a doubt that a

large number of people had to have been infected at the same time. Starting in 1972 with the first case from our mythical

monkey and doubling the number infected from the single source you get only a few thousand cases. From 1972 to 1987 is

15 years or 180 months. If it takes 14 months to double the number of cases then there would have been 13 doublings, one

then 2, then 4, then 8, etc. In 15 years, from a single source of infection there would be about 8,000 cases in Africa, not 75

million. We are approaching World War II mortality statistics here - without a shot being fired.

Dr. Theodore A. Strecker is the courageous doctor who unraveled this conundrum, the greatest murder mystery of all

time. He should get the Nobel prize but he'll be lucky not to get "suicided". ("Prominent California doctor ties his hands

behind his back and, hangs himself, and jumps from the 20th floor. There was no evidence of foul play.")

Strecker was employed as a consultant to work on a health proposal for Security Pacific Bank. He was to estimate the cost

of the health care for the future. Should they form a health maintenance organisation? (HMO) was a major issue. After

investigating the current medical market he advised against the HMO because he found that the AIDS epidemic will in all

probability bankrupt the nation's medical system.

He became fascinated with all the peculiar scientific anomalies concerning AIDS that kept cropping up. Why did the

"experts keep talking about green monkeys and homosexuals being the culprits when it was obvious that the AIDS virus

was a man-made virus? Why did they say that it was a homosexual and drug-user disease when in Africa it was obviously

a heterosexual disease? If the green monkey did it, then why did AIDS explode practically simultaneously in Africa, Haiti,

Brazil, the United States and southern Japan?

Why, when it was proposed to the National Institute of Health that the AIDS virus was a combination of two bovine or

sheep viruses cultures in human cells in a laboratory, did they say it was "bad science" when that's exactly what occurred?

As early as 1970 the World Health Organisation was growing these deadly animal viruses in human tissue cultures. Cedric

Mims, in 1981, said in a published article that there was a bovine virus contaminating the culture media of the WHO. Was

this an accident or a "non-accident"? If it was an accident why did WHO continue to use the vaccine?

This viral and genetic death bomb, AIDS, was finally produced in 1974. It was given to monkeys and they died of

pneumocystis cami, which is typical of AIDS.

Dr. R.J. Biggar said in Lancet: "... The AIDS agent... could not have originated de novo." That means in plain English that it

didn't come out of thin air, AIDS was engineered in a laboratory by urologists. It couldn't engineer itself. As Doctor

Strecker so colourfully puts it: "If a person has no arms or legs and shows up at a party in a tuxedo, how did he get dressed?

Somebody dressed him."

There are 9,000 to the fourth power possible AIDS viruses. (There are 9,000 base pairs on the genome.) So the fun has just

begun. Some will cause brain rot similar to the sheep virus, some leukaemia-like diseases from the cow virus and some

that won't do anything. So the virus will be constantly changing and trying out new esoteric diseases on hapless man.

We're only at the beginning.

Because of the trillions of possible genetic combinations, there will never be a vaccine. Even if they could develop a

vaccine they would undoubtedly give us something equally bad as they did with the polio vaccine (cancer of the brain), the

swine flu vaccine (a polio-like disease), the smallpox vaccine (AIDS), and the hepatitis vaccine (AIDS).

There are precedents. This is not the first time the virologists have brought us disaster. SO-40 virus from monkey cell

cultures contaminated polio cultures. Most people in their 40s are now carrying this virus through contaminated polio

inoculations given in the early 60s. It is known to cause brain cancer which explains the increase in this disease that we

have seen in the past ten years.

This is the origin of the green monkey theory. The polio vaccine was grown on green monkey kidney cells and the

geniuses who brought us polio vaccine said: "We got away with it once so let's use it again." But they didn't get away with

it and in spite of the fact that polio was rapidly disappearing without any medical intervention, 64 million Americans

were vaccinated with SV-40 contaminated vaccine in the 60s. An increase in cancer of the brain, possibly multiple sclerosis

and God only knows what else is the tragic result. The delay between vaccination and the onset of cancer with this virus is

as long as 20-30 years. 1965 plus 20 equals 1985. Get the picture?

The SV-40 virus gave rise to two more viruses which are very active in AIDS patients. Most young children and young

adults have received the SV-40 inoculation from polio vaccination. Primary multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), brain

rot, has been added to the burden of homosexuals who certainly had enough to bear having been given AIDS through

hepatitis B vaccine.

The final piece of the puzzle is how AIDS devastated the homosexual population in the United States. It wasn't from

smallpox vaccination as in Africa because we don't do that any more. There is no smallpox in the United States and so

vaccination was discontinued.

Although some AIDS has been brought to the United States from Haiti by homosexuals, (it used to be one of their

favourite "play-grounds"), it would not be enough to explain the explosion of AIDS that occurred simultaneously with the

African and Haitian epidemics.

The AIDS virus didn't exist in the United States before 1978. You can check back in any hospital and no stored blood

samples were found anywhere that exhibit the AIDS virus before that date.

What happened in 1978 and beyond to cause AIDS to burst upon the scene and devastate the homosexual segment of our

population? It was the introduction of the hepatitis-B vaccine which exhibits the exact epidemiology of AIDS.

A Doctor W. Schmugner, born in Poland and educated in Russia, came to this country in 1969. His immigration to the

U.S. was probably the most fateful immigration in our history. He, by unexplained process, became head of the New York

City blood bank. (How does a Russian trained doctor become head of one of the largest blood banks in the world? Doesn't

that strike you as peculiar?) - He set up the rules for the hepatitis vaccine studies. Only males between the ages of 20 and

40, who were not monogamous, would be allowed to participate in this study. Can you think of any reason, other than the

desire to spread something among the population, for insisting that all experimentees be promiscuous? Maybe you don't

believe in the communist conspiracy theory but give me some other logical explanation. Schmugner is now dead and his

diabolical secret went with him.

The hepatitis vaccine, unlike the AIDS vaccine, was not grown from human tissue culture. So accidental contamination

didn't occur. The AIDS virus was probably put in the vaccine deliberately. It was no mistake. The Centre for Disease

Control reported in 1981 that four percent of those receiving the hepatitis-vaccine were AIDS-infected. In 1984 they

admitted to 60 percent. Now they refuse to give out figures at all because they don't want to admit that 100 percent of

hepatitis vaccine receivers are infected with AIDS.

Where is the data on the hepatitis vaccine studies? FDA? CDC? No, the U.S. Department of Justice has it buried where you

will never see it.

I have always said, and our forefathers told us this, that the greatest threat to the people is always government. Not foreign

governments, but our own government. What has the government told us about AIDS?

* It is a homosexual disease - homosexuals certainly spread it but the primary responsibility wasn't theirs.

* It's related to anal intercourse only - wrong.

* Only a small percentage of those testing positive for AIDS would get the disease - wrong.

* It came from the African green monkey - wrong.

* It came from the cytomegalovirus - wrong.

* It was due to popping amyl nitrate with sex - wrong.

* It was started 400 years ago by the Portuguese - wrong. (It started 1n 1972).

* You can't get it from mosquitos - wrong

* The virus can't live outside the body - wrong.

The head of the Human Leukaemia Research Group at Harvard is a veterinarian. Dr. Judd, International Agency for

Research on Cancer, the agency that requested the production of the virus in the first place, is also a veterinarian. The

leukaemia research he is conducting is being done under the auspices of a school of veterinary medicine.

Now there is nothing wrong with being a vet but, as we have pointed out, the AIDS virus is a human virus. You can't test

these viruses in animals and you can't test leukaemia in them either. It doesn't work. So why would your government

give Judd, a veterinarian, eight and one-half million dollars to study leukaemia in a veterinarian college? As long as we

are being used as experimental animals maybe it's appropriate.

The London Times should be congratulated for uncovering the smallpox/AIDS connection. But their expose was very

misleading. The article states that the African AIDS epidemic was caused by the smallpox vaccine "triggering" AIDS in

those vaccinated.

Dr. Robert Gallo, who has been mixed up in some very strange scientific snafus, supports this theory. Whether the

infection of 75 million Africans was deliberate or accidental can be debated but there is no room for debate about whether

the smallpox shots "awakened the unsuspected virus infection". There is absolutely no scientific evidence that this

laboratory engineered virus was present in Africa when they descended upon these hapless people in 1977 with their

deadly AIDS-laced vaccine. The AIDS virus didn't come from Africa. It came from Fort Detrik Maryland, U.S.A.

The situation is extremely desperate and the medical profession is too frightened and cowed (as usual) to take any action.

Dr. Strecker attempted to mobilise the doctors through some of the most respected medical journals in the world. The

prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine said that his material "appears to be entirely concerned with matters of virology"

and so try some other publication.

In his letter to this medical publication Strecker said, "If correct human experimental procedures had been followed we

would not find half of the world stumbling off on the wrong path to the cure for AIDS with the other half of the world

covering up the origination of the damned disease. It appears to me that your Annals of Internal medicine is participating

in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated."

I guess they didn't like that so Strecker submitted his sensational and mind-boggling letter with all of the proper

documentation to the British journal Lancet.

Their reply: "Thank you for that interesting letter on AIDS. I am sorry to have to report that we will not be able to publish

it. We have no criticism" but their letter section was "overcrowded with submissions." They're too crowded to announce

the end of western civilisation and possibly all mankind? I don't think that's reasonable.

                                                 What can we do?

The first thing that should be done is close down all laboratories in this country that are dealing with these deadly


Then we must sort out the insane, irresponsible and traitorous scientists involved in these experiments and try them for

murder. Then maybe, just maybe, we can re-staff the laboratories with loyal Americans who will work to save a remnant

of people to re-populate and re-civilize the world.


                                        THE STRECKER MEMORANDUM

Thank you for requesting this information. We have a story to tell you, a very strange story, one that affects you, me, and

every of the human being on earth. A story that must be taken seriously by the governments of every nation in the world

because there may not be many humans left to govern by the turn of the century, or shortly thereafter. A story so bizarre,

and so sinister that, if it were not for the fact that it is all true, it would make a great science fiction thriller. (Interestingly

enough, Lorimar Pictures of Hollywood has purchased the rights to Dr. Strecker's life story.)

The story begins in 1983 with Dr. Robert B. Strecker, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Strecker practises internal medicine and

gastroenterology in Los Angeles. He is a trained pathologist and also holds a Ph.D. in pharmacology. Dr. Strecker and his

brother, Ted, an attorney, were preparing a proposal for a health maintenance organisation (HMO) for Security Pacific

Bank of California. They needed to know the long-term financial effects of insuring and treating AIDS patients. In as

much as this information was not readily available in 1983, both brothers began researching the medical literature to learn

what they could about this relatively new disease. The information they uncovered right from the beginning was so

startling to them, so hard to believe, that it would dramatically alter both their lives and lead them on a five year quest

culminating with the creation of "The Strecker Memorandum," the most controversial video tape of our time, and a

remarkable set of documents called "The Bioattack Alert."

                                           WHAT THEY DISCOVERED

Right there in the medical literature for anyone to read for themselves was, basically, proof that the AIDS virus and

pandemic was actually PREDICTED years ago by a world famous virologist, among others. They found that top scientists

writing in the Bulletin of the World Health Organisation (WHO) were actually REQUESTING that AIDS - like viruses be

created to study the effects on humans. In fact, the Streckers unearthed thousands of documents all supporting the

man-made origin of AIDS. Meanwhile, the government was telling everyone that a green monkey in Africa bit some

native and started AIDS. As their research continued, it became obvious from the documentation that the virus itself was

not only created as requested, but actually DEPLOYED, and now threatens the existence of mankind because it does what it

was designed to do: cause cancer in humans via a contagious virus. Eventually the Streckers came to realize everything

the government, the so-called AIDS experts and media were telling the public was not only misleading, but out and out

lies. The truth of the matter is: AIDS is a man-made disease; AIDS is not a homosexual disease; AIDS is not a venereal

disease; AIDS can be carried by mosquitoes; Condoms will not prevent AIDS; There are a least six different AIDS viruses

loose in the world; There will never be a vaccine cure; And on and on, but...

                                              THE SCARIEST PART

The most dreaded fear that all Oncologists (cancer doctors), Virologists, and Immunologists live with is that some day

CANCER, in one form or another, will become a contagious disease, transferable from one person to another. AIDS has

now made fear a reality. If you think you are safe because you are not gay or promiscuous, or because you are not sexually

active, then you must watch "The Strecker very carefully.

What is Aids?


Aids is a D type retro virous.

Viruses in general are though to be the smalest replicating organism that requier other cells to grow themselves  into.

Viruses are not capable of reproducing on their own outside of living tissue, is the dogma of modern science. They must inhabit a other cell for eventual growth and reproduction.Bateria, fungine are some of the organism that are capable of living outside of tissue, in other words they dont have to inhabit other tissue in order to reproduce them selves.They can grow on other tissue culture plates such as bacteria, but viruses must grow inside a tissue wich requires that their be living human or animal tissue for them to replicate in Now if we look at the word retro virus, it means that contained with in the aids virus and other so cald human retro virus or other animal viruses, their are small enzimes known as reverse transcriptas. The RE stand for reverse, and the TRO stands for transcriptas that is an enzime with in the aids virus wich is responsable for the duplication of the genes of the aids virus wich are in a RNA form, diffrent from human form.

Human genetic material is in a DNA form.So if the aids virus is to insert itself in to the human material somehow after the infection of the cell what happends is this enzimes duplicate the RNA of the aids virus into a dna form and actually inserts that into the human DNA.

you then have a aids virus residing inside the human genes wich then sends out a signal for production of a new aids virus.


I will try to make that a little clearer for you.

First you have to know what virology is. Virology is the study of viruses, it deals with tiny micro organism that are only visible with the most powerfull electron microscope.

In fact hundred of thousands of aids viruses can live on the head of a pin.What makes the aids virus perticularly deadly is its ability to not only invade and nutrilize the human cell but the viruss ability to put its own genetic meterial inside the humans cell genetic stucture their by allowing the virus to use the human cell as a kind of aids factory.

Reproducing more viruses from the human cells raw material. Unlike larger organism like bacteria, viruses do not respond to conventional medical treatment.much like the common cold virus cannot be cured  by vaccine.


The way the aids affects our body is that it wypes out the t cells wich are the cells that help us protect our selves against cancer and other problems.

there are 6 know strain of aids

htvL1 htvL2 htvL3 htvL4 and htlv1 look alike.

These viruses have a prolivative nature so they reproduces themselve and they makes us suseptable to the development of infection such as pneumocystis carlnil Pneumonia.or the arrisal of cancer  such as Kaposis sarcoma

these have been the basic halmark of the aids virus.

Well now you know a little about virology


My explanation for where all theses virus came from is the following and remember i have look in to the subject verry deeply and everything I will say is a documented fact.


Now, if you look at animal viruses there are two viruses wich have been found to be the original parents of the aids virus.One is cald Bovine Leukemia virus wich comes from cattle, and the other is the is visnavirus, the virus of sheep.

But what about the green monkey  theory? Some of the best virologists in the world and many of those directly involved in AIDS

research, such as Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier, have said that the green monkey may be the culprit. You know the

story: A green monkey bit a native on the butt and, bamm - AIDS all over central Africa.


There is a fatal flaw here. It is very strange Because all the virologists including Gallo and Montagnier who are the discoverers of aids know that the aids virus doesn't occur naturally in monkeys. In fact it doesn't occur naturally in any animal.


AIDS started practically simultaneously in the United States, Haiti, Brazil and Central Africa. (Was the green monkey a jet

pilot?) Examination of the gene structure of the green monkey cells proves that it is not genetically possible to transfer the

AIDS virus from monkeys to man by natural means.


My first point is that in the early 1970's, Henry Kissinger wrote a top secret document -- a National Security Memorandum ("NSM 200") -- in which he indicated that "depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World." This Memorandum which can be obtained from the US National Archives, which was only declassified very quietly in 1990, was adopted by the National Security Council as official US foreign policy towards the Third World. Now, this is a classic example of the "secret government" in action, because of none of this was known to the Congress, and certainly, it was not known to the American people. Did any of you know that depopulation was considered a matter of US national security? Did any of you know that for the past 20 years, depopulation has been the highest long-range priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World? No you didn't, because it was classified -- it was a secret.

I would like to read for you just a piece of this document. It is written by Henry Kissinger wich was working for the us goverment in the white house at the time :

"Reduction of the rate of population in these States is a matter of vital US national security." [National Security Memorandum, Henry Kissinger] And we even have a map of those areas in which Kissinger indicates where depopulation would be desireable. It's all Third World countries -- it's all brown people and yellow people, of course.


"The US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries. That fact gives the US enhanced interests in the political, economic and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of the United States." [National Security Memorandum, Henry Kissinger]

Now, when Kissinger says "economic interests of the United States..." he means the interests of US corporations, which are in fact, multi-national corporations, with no loyalty to this country whatsoever. NSM 200, unlike other government documents on the subject, outlined "international and political and economic implications of population growth..." rather than its ecological or sociological aspects.


 Now, the next document was from the US Senate Library. It is a record of the Appropriations Hearing that was held in July of 1969, where the Department of the Army specifically requested and received $10 million to develop "a synthetic biological agent that would impair or destroy the T cells in the human immune system." This is from the US Senate Library. We also made reference to several published articles from the World Health Organization, written about the same time, which advocated similar kinds of research toward the development of "a hybrid virus that could selectively effect the human immune system."

Like it not, these documents all exist. The Kissinger Memorandum, the Army Appropriations Hearing, the articles from the World Health Organization; these are official records -- facts of history -- that can not be disputed.

I also want to point out an incredible coincidence. The World Health Organization went into Central Africa in 1972 -- into an area that is known as the "AIDS Belt" -- and administered a smallpox vaccination to several thousands of Africans. This event was followed immediately by the first outbreak of AIDS on this planet -- a remarkable coincidence -- that was noted as a Front Page Headline in the London Times, but has never even been mentioned in the US Media -- never even mentioned.

Another startling fact that was never mentioned in the mainstream media -- the Hepatitis B Vaccine that was given to several thousand male homosexuals in New York and San Francisco in 1978. The fact is, every single person who received that vaccine contracted AIDS -- every single one of them -- without exception. That is what the first American victims of AIDS all had in common. They were receivers of the Hepatitis B Vaccine. It is a document fact. AIDS began in America in 1978 in the homosexual communities of New York and San Francisco, immediately following a government-sponsored program of Hepatitis B Vaccinations. This is all completely documented -- it is completely true.


If you don't think they do "that kind of thing," you are simply uninformed. Their is also an official government report from the Royal Society of Medicine in Great Britain, in which they state unequivocally that "saliva and blood are vastly more infectious than genital secretions," and "that AIDS meets none of the criterion of a venereal disease. That despite the misrepresentations of the American Medical Establishment and the American Government, AIDS is not primarily a sexually transmitted disease." All of that, according to the Royal Society of Medicine in Great Britain. That's a

document that we have and we'll come back to it in just a moment.

We also shared with you information and opinions from many highly-respected physicians, like Dr. Robert Strecker, Dr. William Douglas, Dr. Cantwell, Dr. Hazeltine, Dr. Alonso, who all agree that the AIDS virus could never have occurred spontaneously in Nature. We also know for a scientific fact that the AIDS virus bears no resemblance whatsoever to any virus ever found in a green monkey, but does bear a total resemblance to cow virus and sheep virus, which have somehow been bonded together. The only possible way these two different species of virus could bond together would be in a laboratory --something engineered in a laboratory -- and then further engineered to make the jump into a human system.


 The Laws of Virology, state that for every case of infection -- viral infection -- that is known and reported, there are 99 cases that are unknown and unreported. This means that if we have 200,000 known cases of AIDS, then there are 20 million right behind it. 20 million Americans who are HIV positive and do not know it. We also shared quotes from several doctors who believe that the HIV infection rate has now reached approximately 100 million people on the Continent of Africa; 30 to 50 million in Asia; and no less than 20 million in the United States.


Again, the Laws of Virology state that the rate of infection for a retrovirus, like the AIDS virus, the rate of infection will double approximately every 12 months. Another frightening fact that no one has bothered to tell us, is that there are six different basic types of the AIDS virus as i mentioned earleaer, and that each of these basic types, being what is called a "recombinant retrovirus," has a recombinant potential of 9,000 to the Fourth Power. "Recombinant" means the ability to change and recombine into something new, and the calculation 9,000

to the Fourth Power times 6 is literally in the hundreds of millions of

trillions of different possible forms and manifestations of the AIDS virus.

 [Note, the number calculated is 354,294,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 variations

of the AIDS virus]. Now that means that you would need a vaccine for every possible choice that the virus could make, which is technically impossible; truthfully, realistically impossible. It's like the influenza virus -- there's no vaccine. There are simply too many strains of it, too many different varieties, to ever develop a single, comprehensive vaccine.

 The bottom line? We are not being told the truth about this plague. In the words of Dr. Hazeltine in his testimony to Congress: "AIDS is a species threatening disease." Now, I don't want to appear too bleak or too hopeless. All of these doctors believe that some type of cure is possible, but that we're going to need a lot more money, and we're going to have to move beyond he strangle hold of the Medical Establishment

Apparently homosexuals were an initial target in the US because their sexual practices would help in the rapid spread of the disease, and because it was correctly assumed that very few non-homosexual citizens would pay much attention during the early years of the epidemic. Also the stigma of a "homosexual disease" would interfere with rational analysis and discussion of AIDS. Bear in mind that homosexuals were among the first to be exterminated in Nazi Germany, before Jews or other minorities, so fewer citizens would object.

The details of precisely how the AIDS virus was synthesized, mass cultured and spread by incorporating it into vaccination programs are available but fairly intricate. I will try to put it in a more comprehensable form.


The first study was made in 1957 by scientists meeting in Huntsville Alabama. That study wich i mentioned was caled (alternative 3) Another study was made by the CLUB OF ROME in 1968 to determine the limits of growth. The result of the study was that civilization as we know it would collapse shortlly aftert the year 2000 unless the populatioon was seriously curtailed. Several top secret recommendations were made to the ruling elite by Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome. The chief recommendation was to develope a microbe wich would attack the auto immune system and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible. The orders  wer given to develop the microbe, also develop a cure and a prophylactic. The microbe would be used against the general population and would be introduced by vaccine administrated by the  World Health Organization.

The object of the World Planners is absolute control. Although the desire to rule the world is not a new ambition, the control sought by this generation of World Planners is more than government, wealth and resources. They control these already. What the World Planners want in order to complete their plan is control of population.


Their control of population is in their ability to control the thoughts and behaviour of the masses. The method which the World Planners are using to achieve their aim of absolute control is mind-boggling when one attempts to unravel it. It is truly a "tangled web of deception"


In the New World Order, man will become a "throw away".

You will be allowed to exist until you become "surplus to



"The world has a cancer and the cancer is man", observed one World Planner in the book, Mankind at a Turning Point.


The following is a artical"WHO Murdered Africa" is evidence of this plan in action.


The world planners are convinced that what they are doing is for he eventual salvation of mankind and the planet earth.

The greatest strength they possess is that the general public does not even know hat they exist.







There is no question mark after the title of this article because the title is not a question. It's a declarative statement.


WHO, the World Health Organisation, murdered Africa with the AIDS virus. That's a provocative statement isn't it?


The answers to this terrible murder mistery should be clear at the end of my report. You will also understand why the other suspects, the homosexuals, the green monkey and the Haitians, were only pawns in this virocidal attack on the non-Communist world.


If you believe the government propaganda that AIDS is hard to catch then you are going to die even sooner than the rest of us. The common cold is a virus. Have you ever had a cold? How did you catch it? You don't really know, do you? If the cold virus were fatal how many people would there be left in the world?


Yellow fever is a virus. You catch it from mosquito bites. Malaria is a parasite also carried by mosquitoes. It is many times

larger than the AIDS virus (like comparing a pinhead to a moose head), yet the mosquito easily carries this large organism

to man.


The tuberculosis germ, also much larger than the AIDS virus, can be transmitted by fomites (inanimate objects such as

towels). The AIDS virus can live as long as ten days on a dry plate. So, are you worried about your salad in a restaurant

that employs homosexuals? You'd better be.


In order to better understand this murder mistery, it is important to speak a little bout virology.

Many viruses grow in animals and many grow in humans but most of the viruses that affect animals don't affect humans.

There are exceptions, of course, such as yellow fever and small pox.


There are some viruses in animals that cause very lethal cancer in those animals, but do not affect man or other animals.

The bovine leukaemia virus (BLV), for example, is lethal to cows but not humans. There is another virus that occurs in

sheep called sheep visna virus which is also non-reactive in man. These deadly viruses are "retro viruses" meaning that

they can change the genetic composition of cells that they enter.


The World Health Organisation in published articles, called for scientists to work with these deadly agents and attempt to

make a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. In the bulletin of the World Health Organisation WHO), Volume

47, p.259, 1972, they said, "An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune



That's AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is "Let's cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system

of man, an acquired immune deficiency."


Why would anyone want to do this? If you destroy the T-cell system of man you destroy man. Is it even remotely possible

that the World Health Organisation would want to develop a virus that would wipe out the human race?


If their new viruses creation worked, the WHO stated, then many terrible and fatal infectious viruses could be made even

more terrible and more malignant. Does this strike you as being a peculiar goal for a health organisation? The thought

occurred to me.


It doesn't take a bad breakfast to see an amazing concatenation of events involving Russian and Chinese communist

nationals, the World Health Organisation, the National Cancer Institute and the AIDS pandemic.


Because of the artificial nature of the AIDS virus it will not easily transfer from man to man until it has become very

concentrated in the body fluids through repeated injections from person to person, such as drug addicts, and through high

multiple partner sexuality such as takes place in Africa, among homosexuals and among native American Indians. After

repeated transfer it can become a "natural" infection for man, which it has.


Dr. Theodore Strecker's research of the literature indicates that the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in collaboration with

the World Health Organisation made the AIDS virus in their laboratories at Fort Detrick (now NCI). They combined the

deadly retroviruses, bovine leukaemia virus and sheep visna virus, and injected them into human tissue cultures. The

result was the AIDS virus, the first human retrovirus known to man and now believed to be 100 percent fatal to those



The momentous plague that we now face was anticipated by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), in 1974 when they

recommended that "Scientists throughout the world join the members of this committee in voluntarily deferring

experiments (linking) animal viruses."


What the NAS is saying in carefully guarded English is: "For God's sake stop this madness!" Man went over the edge

when he started playing God and started growing human tissue in the laboratory.



What they are in the process of doing is conducting germ warfare from Fort Detrick, Maryland against the free world,

especially in the United States, even using foreign communist agents with the United States Army's germ warfare unit

euphemistically called the Army Infectious Disease Unit.


You don't believe it? Carlton Gajdusek an NIH big-shot at Detrick admits it: "IN THE FACILITY I HAVE A BUILDING





Can you imagine that? A UN-WHO communist Trojan horse in our biological warfare centre with the full blessings of the

Jimmy Carters of this world?


I can assure you that the creation of the AIDS virus by the WHO was not just a diabolical scientific exercise that got out of

hand. It was a cold-blooded successful attempt to create a killer virus which was then used in a successful experiment in

Africa. So successful in fact that most of central Africa may be wiped out, 75,000,000 dead within 3-5 years.


It was not an accident. It was deliberate. In the Federation Proceedings of the United States in 1972, WHO said: "In relation

to the immune response a number of experimental approaches can be visualised". They suggested that a neat way to do

this would be to put their new killer virus (AIDS) into a vaccination program, sit back and observe the results. "This

would be particularly informative in sibships," they said. That is, give the AIDS virus to brothers and sisters and see if they

die, who dies first and of what, just like using rats in a laboratory.


They used small pox vaccine for their vehicle and the geographical sites chosen in 1972 were Uganda and other African

states, Haiti, Brazil and Japan. The present or recent past of AIDS epidemiology coincides with these geographical areas.


Dr. Strecker points out that even if the African green monkey could transmit AIDS to humans, the present known

amount of infection in Africa makes it statistically impossible for a single episode, such as a monkey biting someone on

the butt, to have brought this epidemic to this point. The doubling time of the number of people infected, about every 14

months, when correlated with the first known case and the present known number of cases, prove beyond a doubt that a

large number of people had to have been infected at the same time. Starting in 1972 with the first case from our mythical

monkey and doubling the number infected from the single source you get only a few thousand cases. From 1972 to 1987 is

15 years or 180 months. If it takes 14 months to double the number of cases then there would have been 13 doublings, one

then 2, then 4, then 8, etc. In 15 years, from a single source of infection there would be about 8,000 cases in Africa, not 75

million. We are approaching World War II mortality statistics here - without a shot being fired.


Dr. Theodore A. Strecker is the courageous doctor who unraveled this conundrum, the greatest murder mystery of all

time. He should get the Nobel prize but he'll be lucky not to get "suicided".


Strecker was employed as a consultant to work on a health proposal for Security Pacific Bank. He was to estimate the cost

of the health care for the future. Should they form a health maintenance organisation? (HMO) was a major issue. After

investigating the current medical market he advised against the HMO because he found that the AIDS epidemic will in all

probability bankrupt the nation's medical system.


He became fascinated with all the peculiar scientific anomalies concerning AIDS that kept cropping up. Why did the

"experts keep talking about green monkeys and homosexuals being the culprits when it was obvious that the AIDS virus

was a man-made virus? Why did they say that it was a homosexual and drug-user disease when in Africa it was obviously

a heterosexual disease? If the green monkey did it, then why did AIDS explode practically simultaneously in Africa, Haiti,

Brazil, the United States and southern Japan?


Why, when it was proposed to the National Institute of Health that the AIDS virus was a combination of two bovine or

sheep viruses cultures in human cells in a laboratory, did they say it was "bad science" when that's exactly what occurred?


As early as 1970 the World Health Organisation was growing these deadly animal viruses in human tissue cultures. Cedric

Mims, in 1981, said in a published article that there was a bovine virus contaminating the culture media of the WHO. Was

this an accident or a "non-accident"? If it was an accident why did WHO continue to use the vaccine?


This viral and genetic death bomb, AIDS, was finally produced in 1974. It was given to monkeys and they died of

pneumocystis cami, which is typical of AIDS.


Dr. R.J. Biggar said in Lancet: "... The AIDS agent... could not have originated de novo." That means in plain English that it

didn't come out of thin air, AIDS was engineered in a laboratory by urologists. It couldn't engineer itself.


There are 9,000 to the fourth power possible AIDS viruses. (There are 9,000 base pairs on the genome.) So the fun has just

begun. Some will cause brain rot similar to the sheep virus, some leukaemia-like diseases from the cow virus and some

that won't do anything. So the virus will be constantly changing and trying out new esoteric diseases on hapless man.

We're only at the beginning.


Because of the trillions of possible genetic combinations, there will never be a vaccine. Even if they could develop a

vaccine they would undoubtedly give us something equally bad as they did with the polio vaccine (cancer of the brain), the

swine flu vaccine (a polio-like disease), the smallpox vaccine (AIDS), and the hepatitis vaccine (AIDS).


There are precedents. This is not the first time the virologists have brought us disaster. SO-40 virus from monkey cell

cultures contaminated polio cultures. Most people in their 40s are now carrying this virus through contaminated polio

inoculations given in the early 60s. It is known to cause brain cancer which explains the increase in this disease that we

have seen in the past ten years.


This is the origin of the green monkey theory. The polio vaccine was grown on green monkey kidney cells and the

geniuses who brought us polio vaccine said: "We got away with it once so let's use it again." But they didn't get away with

it and in spite of the fact that polio was rapidly disappearing without any medical intervention, 64 million Americans

were vaccinated with SV-40 contaminated vaccine in the 60s. An increase in cancer of the brain, possibly multiple sclerosis

and God only knows what else is the tragic result. The delay between vaccination and the onset of cancer with this virus is

as long as 20-30 years. 1965 plus 20 equals 1985. Get the picture?


The SV-40 virus gave rise to two more viruses which are very active in AIDS patients. Most young children and young

adults have received the SV-40 inoculation from polio vaccination. Primary multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), brain

rot, has been added to the burden of homosexuals who certainly had enough to bear having been given AIDS through

hepatitis B vaccine.


The final piece of the puzzle is how AIDS devastated the homosexual population in the United States. It wasn't from

smallpox vaccination as in Africa because we don't do that any more. There is no smallpox in the United States and so

vaccination was discontinued.


Although some AIDS has been brought to the United States from Haiti by homosexuals, (it used to be one of their

favourite "play-grounds"), it would not be enough to explain the explosion of AIDS that occurred simultaneously with the

African and Haitian epidemics.


The AIDS virus didn't exist in the United States before 1978. You can check back in any hospital and no stored blood

samples were found anywhere that exhibit the AIDS virus before that date.


What happened in 1978 and beyond to cause AIDS to burst upon the scene and devastate the homosexual segment of our

population? It was the introduction of the hepatitis-B vaccine which exhibits the exact epidemiology of AIDS.


A Doctor W. Schmugner, born in Poland and educated in Russia, came to this country in 1969. His immigration to the

U.S. was probably the most fateful immigration in our history. He, by unexplained process, became head of the New York

City blood bank. (How does a Russian trained doctor become head of one of the largest blood banks in the world? Doesn't

that strike you as peculiar?) - He set up the rules for the hepatitis vaccine studies. Only males between the ages of 20 and

40, who were not monogamous, would be allowed to participate in this study. Can you think of any reason, other than the

desire to spread something among the population, for insisting that all experimentees be promiscuous? Maybe you don't

believe in the communist conspiracy theory but give me some other logical explanation. Schmugner is now dead and his

diabolical secret went with him.


The hepatitis vaccine, unlike the AIDS vaccine, was not grown from human tissue culture. So accidental contamination

didn't occur. The AIDS virus was probably put in the vaccine deliberately. It was no mistake. The Centre for Disease

Control reported in 1981 that four percent of those receiving the hepatitis-vaccine were AIDS-infected. In 1984 they

admitted to 60 percent. Now they refuse to give out figures at all because they don't want to admit that 100 percent of

hepatitis vaccine receivers are infected with AIDS.


Where is the data on the hepatitis vaccine studies? FDA? CDC? No, the U.S. Department of Justice has it buried where you

will never see it.


Some people say that the greatest threat to the people is always government. Not foreign

governments, but our own government. What has the government told us about AIDS?


* It is a homosexual disease - homosexuals certainly spread it but the primary responsibility wasn't theirs.


* It's related to anal intercourse only - wrong.


* Only a small percentage of those testing positive for AIDS would get the disease - wrong.


* It came from the African green monkey - wrong.


* It came from the cytomegalovirus - wrong.


* It was due to popping amyl nitrate with sex - wrong.


* It was started 400 years ago by the Portuguese - wrong. (It started 1n 1972).


* You can't get it from mosquitos - wrong


* The virus can't live outside the body - wrong.


The head of the Human Leukaemia Research Group at Harvard is a veterinarian. Dr. Judd, International Agency for

Research on Cancer, the agency that requested the production of the virus in the first place, is also a veterinarian. The

leukaemia research he is conducting is being done under the auspices of a school of veterinary medicine.


Now there is nothing wrong with being a vet but, as we have pointed out, the AIDS virus is a human virus. You can't test

these viruses in animals and you can't test leukaemia in them either. It doesn't work. So why would your government

give Judd, a veterinarian, eight and one-half million dollars to study leukaemia in a veterinarian college? As long as we

are being used as experimental animals maybe it's appropriate.


The London Times should be congratulated for uncovering the smallpox/AIDS connection. But their expose was very

misleading. The article states that the African AIDS epidemic was caused by the smallpox vaccine "triggering" AIDS in

those vaccinated.


Dr. Robert Gallo, who has been mixed up in some very strange scientific snafus, supports this theory. Whether the

infection of 75 million Africans was deliberate or accidental can be debated but there is no room for debate about whether

the smallpox shots "awakened the unsuspected virus infection". There is absolutely no scientific evidence that this

laboratory engineered virus was present in Africa when they descended upon these hapless people in 1977 with their

deadly AIDS-laced vaccine. The AIDS virus didn't come from Africa. It came from Fort Detrik Maryland, U.S.A.


The situation is extremely desperate and the medical profession is too frightened and cowed (as usual) to take any action.

Dr. Strecker attempted to mobilise the doctors through some of the most respected medical journals in the world. The

prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine said that his material "appears to be entirely concerned with matters of virology"

and so try some other publication.


In his letter to this medical publication Strecker said, "If correct human experimental procedures had been followed we

would not find half of the world stumbling off on the wrong path to the cure for AIDS with the other half of the world

covering up the origination of the damned disease. It appears to me that your Annals of Internal medicine is participating

in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated."


I guess they didn't like that so Strecker submitted his sensational and mind-boggling letter with all of the proper

documentation to the British journal Lancet.


What can we do?


The first thing that should be done is close down all laboratories in this country that are dealing with these deadly



Then we must sort out the insane, irresponsible and traitorous scientists involved in these experiments and try them for

murder. Then maybe, just maybe, we can re-staff the laboratories with loyal Americans who will work to save a remnant

of people to re-populate and re-civilize the world.



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